How to test


This soft needs an Arinc 424 dataset to work.

An Arinc424 file, when you open it with a text editor, looks like this:

A simple, and not binary text file of 132 characters per lines.

IMPORTANT: The files sent by the FMS conceptors (Honeywell, General Electric, Garmin, ect.) to load the FMS of the airplanes are not compatibles, because they are licensed and compiled.


If you don't have any... editors sell them and you can contact them.
The price for 13 files (one year) for all described informations, worldwide, is about 10 000 euros.
Free of charges, but limited to the United States, Carraibeans and Canada.
CIFP (Coded Instrument Flight Procedure) from the FAA.
The software takes only 400 euros per license (450 if payment is done via Paypal, because they have taxes)
. (A license is valid for 1 User / PC without time limit.)
If it's OK for you, you have even an old A424 file and it's as describded above, you can ask me the link to download a trial copy of ArincDecoder (The SID / Stars and procedures datas won't be available)
Contact for any information.
The installation is easy and the way to obtain a time limited license is well explained
My first steps
Some tutorials to see step by step how everything is easy
Don't never forget the "help file" is
Full help link

Please always be aware that the current version of the program is evoluting. If you have an idea to make this soft more usefull you will be welcome to explain it and... if this evolution is usefull for all users it will be free, and everyone will take benefit of it....


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